Lawn Care
         By Madden Landscaping

New Lawns

Whether it is a new build, existing build or you would like to install a new lawn at your home, Madden landscaping are the go-to company to place your trust in.
It is never a one size fits all with us. 
We will visit your home and assess your lawn and it's needs to determine the best course of action for you. 

Being cruel to be kind


Over time, a layer of material such as dead grass and leaves can build up in the base of grass plants which reduces the flow of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen. It also prevents water penetration which in turn prevents fertilisers or nutrition from reaching the roots. This has a detrimental effect on the grass plants and prevents good healthy growth and leads to ingress of issues such as moss.

This layer of thatch can become very compact over the years and often needs to be removed physically by scarifying.

Scarifying lawns to remove this troublesome thatch is a simple exercise which involves using a grass scarifier to loosen and lift the unwanted material before raking to remove it. We will then physically remove from your property so that you do not have to worry about it.

Our grass scarification service involves a detailed inspection of your lawn, so that we can prepare it and time the activities to get the best results, we will advise on the best timing for the work and whether the lawn would benefit from any treatments before the scarification such as reducing moss levels if there is any present.

What is Lawn Aeration?

The care of the soil underneath many lawns is often overlooked. The soil contains and multitude of Flora and Fauna which not only support and sustain the grass but on a global scale, help provide a balancing act of gases and other substances that allow the planet to exist as it does.

Soil is very complex, there are thousands of fungi and bacteria helping to break down organic and inorganic matter to turn it into molecules that can be taken up by a plants root system to be used as food and of these processes are “aerobic” meaning that they require oxygen. One of the major problems on grass areas can be compaction which is caused by machinery or pedestrian traffic. This compactionis caused by “squashing” soils particles together which forms an impervious layer preventing both water and air entering the soil.

This picture to the right demonstrates the ideal structure with lots of vertical and horizontal cracks and pores to allow air and water to pass freely in and out.

When a lawn becomes compacted, it is usually due to traffic (even foot traffic) in wet conditions. The picture below shows grassland soil that has become compacted and the cracks and pores have been compressed, there is no route for water and air movement and it will be difficult for roots to penetrate.

soil aeration for lawn health

We can remove this problem by aerating the soil. We at Madden Landscaping are fully aware of the benefits of lawn aeration and also the damage that can be done when using the equipment at the wrong time. If lawn aerators are used when conditions are too wet, compaction will be increased, and the soil will be left in a worse state than before.

All grass can be aerated at any time of the year when the conditions are right! Different soils respond differently to different machinery applications. We can assist you in helping you to understand what will improve your soil and when would be best to carry out the work.

Moss Control & Treatment

Many lawns contain an element of moss and this can be a temporary problem following drought or water logging; or lawn moss may be more persistent, suggesting a problem with underlying conditions.

There are many reasons why moss might infiltrate both new and established lawns and these often relate to poor vigour of the grass, caused by:

  • Soil pH problems
  • Poor nutrition
  • Insufficient aeration
  • Poor drainage
  • Shade
  • Wrong mowing height

Where there is a significant amount of moss, it creates a compact layer that prevent good moisture and air flow into the soil and has a serious impact on the health of the grass plants by suffocating them.

Killing and removing moss is a large part of our service offering. Our moss control and removal services start by analysing why the issue exists. Then we can suggest a simple way forward so that we can reduce the moss currently there but also help to prevent moss ingress in the future. Often there are issues such as large trees that do make this a challenge but there is much we can do with the grass to help keep the moss levels low.

Generally speaking, when there are significant levels of moss, we will need to remove them physically by scarifying. This is a process where we use a mechanical rake to comb the moss out of the grass. We will then bag it up and will remove it from your property, so you do not have to worry about it.

After we have scarified, we can overseed if the conditions are right which is a good opportunity to get fresh "genetic" into the lawn in the form of bright green new varieties of amenity grass.

We will then suggest a programme as to how you can help with the management of the lawn so that the problem is much less likely to occur.

Contact us for some friendly advice on what to do next.